Changeable set for anti-scale filters and cartridges "SVOD-AS" (400 ml) sc400
ресурс: 70 000 л
price: 635 UAH
This product is first of all for those who wants to use ecologically safe means from scale and save the money at the same time.
Having similar flask to ours, You may fill it with the efficient and environmentally-friendly "SVOD-AS" which will protect Your equipment from scale and corrosion.
The filler is applicable for all types of large-scale water heating equipment. "SVOD-AS" for filters protects from scale formation and other deposits on heating elements and isolation valves, provides failure-free operation and increases service life of water heating equipment, as well as significantly decreases electricity and detergent means consumption.
Technnical specifications:
Volume: 400ml ± 3%
Service life: 70 000 liters (when in conformity with GOST 7525:2014 "Drinking water"
Temperature of treated water: +5...+40 °С
Working temperature of water being heated: +5 ... +105 °С
Component parts:Filler "SVOD-AS" - 400 ml
Foam discus - 2 pcs
Calendar of replacemet
Safety data sheet
Turn the water off at the mainline to the filter. Dismantle the filter.
Remove the cartridge with exhausted filler, rinse the flask with water.
Open the cartridge cover, remove the upper net, upper and lower foam, filler. Dispose of exhausted filler in conformity with the manufacturer's instructions.
The filler "SVOD-AS" does not require special utilization and may be thrown down into common drain.
Install the lower foam discus.
Pour a new filler "SVOD-AS" into the cartridge. Install upper new foam discus and upper net. Shut the cartridge cover.
Install the cartridge into the filter.
Tightly (without application of any tool) wind the filter cover.
Install the filter into water supply system. Open water supply.
For connection of the filter cover with the tap (pipe) when needed it is advisable to apply PTFE tape.
For connection of the filter cover with the tap (pipe) when needed it is advisable to apply PTFE tape.
If during filter installation You reveal leak, pay attention to the correctness of sealing ring position (which is located between the body and the filter cover).
For prevention of mechanical damage during filter installation it is recommended to avoid striking the body and the cover.
If the active agent was poured on the floor, be careful when moving as the particles create sweep effect.
For prevention of hydraulic strokes when electric valves, taps etc. are available with the working pressure more than 0,6 MPA, it is necessary to install the pressure regulator at the filter entrance.
For prevention of hydraulic strokes when electric valves, taps etc. are available with the working pressure more than 0,6 MPA, it is necessary to install the pressure regulator at the filter entrance.
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